Don Moore

Financial Assistant





Your position and role at Powell UMC; What are you passionate about? Part Time Financial Assistant. I was the budget person at GTE for most of my career and when I retired, I wanted to use the skills I learned to give back to others.

What is the favorite part of your job? Working with such wonderful people, both staff and volunteers.

Family: My wifeJan and we have two children. Our son, Alan, and his family live in Worthington. Our daughter, Erin, and her husband live in Delaware.

Where are you from? Jan and I are both from New Castle, PA.

Ministry background, degrees, credentials: I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. I am also a trained Stephen Minister.

What are your hobbies? Music, reading and golf

Your favorite quote or verse from the Bible: Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

What has God been teaching you lately? Keep your eyes open or you might miss a “God moment”.