Powell United Methodist Church has an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) giving program (E-Giving) that allows people to make contributions electronically to the General Fund, the Building Fund, the Memorial Fund, and other funds.
In order to participate in the e-giving program you will be asked to set up a new account. You should have all of the information that you need to register except for your Family ID number. If you do not have your Family ID number (available from the church office), please proceed by entering your first and last name into that field. You only have to set up your account once at this site; you do not have to set it up annually. EFT transactions are considered to be safer than writing a check or giving cash, and are regulated by strict Federal and State guidelines. Currently E-giving can be used for ongoing giving.
If you have questions, please contact our church treasurer, Alan Moore at treasurer@powellumc.org.
Click here to Give

Sponsor an altar flower arrangement or a food basket in honor or memory of a special event or person. The church will handle ordering and picking up the flowers. The money for a food basket will be donated to People In Need. The cost is $55. Sign up for a date at the Welcome Center or by calling the church office, 614-847-3703.
The General Endowment Fund was established in 2001 with emphasis on church property. The goal was to create an endowment of sufficient size from which income and earnings can be used for maintenance, care, improvements and repair of our church property. Other endowed funds have since been established and they include: Scholarship (Heffelfinger), Youth and Children (Barthel), Mission and Outreach (Rumbaugh) and Music (Askins). In addition to estate planning gifts, gifts of any amount may be made in memory of or in honor of a special person or event. The principal in the Endowment Funds is protected and the income is managed and directed by the Endowment Committee. Designated endowment funds may be established with a sufficient donation. It is a blessing to know that gifts to the Endowment Funds are gifts that keep on giving. For more information contact our pastor, justinwilliams@powellumc.org or our church office, office@powellumc.org.

The first Sunday of each month, Powell UMC accepts a communion offering that goes to a different designated mission each month. Your giving to this fund makes it possible for the ministerial staff to provide emergency help to local persons in need. Although the assistance can take other forms, it is most often given in the form of a gift card that can be used for food, personal care products or gasoline.

UMCOR comes alongside those who suffer from natural or human-caused disasters – famine, hurricane, war, flood, fire or other events—to alleviate suffering and serve as a source of help and hope for the vulnerable.

If you would like to establish a charitable designation for the first time to Powell UMC, click on the link below.