Our Mission Statement:
“Growing together in faith to share God’s love and change our world.”

Our worship styles are both traditional and contemporary, but all of our services invite you to come as you are. We regularly celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion at all services, and do so each week at our 8:15 service. Children are always welcome in worship. Children’s bulletin bags are available and include the scripture verse and activities based around this week’s sermon. Baptisms are celebrated for all ages during the worship services.
We offer many small group options for study and serving, and we believe that we grow in our faith when we come together to share and support one another.
We encourage you to attend worship, read through the weekly bulletin with information about what is happening in our church, and to explore how our church may be a good fit for you. Our pastors and staff are ready to assist you or be in conversation with you in whatever way is helpful. The bottom line is we are glad you are here and want to connect with you in the most meaningful way possible.
Explore our website to get familiar with the ministries of our church and let us know if you have any questions. Email questions to office@powellumc.org.
Getting Connected

Our next Pizza with the PUMC Pastors is Sunday, March 30, at 12:15pm If you are new to our church, you are invited to this causal event to learn about the ministry and mission of our church and to get to know the pastors and others who are beginning their journey at PUMC. Sign up HERE.
Our next New Member Event: The dates for the next New Member Series are coming soon. Sign up HERE.