What is MOPS? MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is a group that gathers and supports moms. MOPS believes that remarkable things happen when moms come together, face to face. That’s why MOPS rallies women to gather in their own neighborhoods and help each other through this thing called motherhood.
New Interested Moms email Megan Ricci at mopspumc@gmail.com before beginning the registration process. Existing members, follow the below steps to register.”
Registration is open!
Fall Session Only (Sept-Jan) $25.00
Spring Session Only (Feb-May) $25.00
Fall and Spring Session (Sept-May) $40.00
Registration is a two part process:
You must register with the MOPS organization at https://www.mops.org/join/ and use the group code URBG.
Powell United Methodist Church (PUMC), click HERE. You will need to register yours and your child’s information.
If you do not complete both the MOPS organization and the PUMC form your registration will not be complete. Please make sure to complete both.
Questions, Contact Megan Ricci at mopspumc@gmail.com or
Rebecca Brownlee at rebeccabrownlee@powellumc.org.
For more information about MOPS, check out the national site at mops.org.