Powell UMC shares God’s love in mission by working to meet existing needs through mission partnerships and responding to emerging needs. The PUMC Missions Team and pastors evaluate and coordinate mission projects. For more information or to join the Missions Team, contact CarrieSchwab@powellumc.org.
See below for upcoming and ongoing mission projects and how to be involved!
To see all the mission partners and projects that Powell UMC is currently engaged in, click below.
Mission Trips
Powell UMC engages in disaster recovery all around the country and sends a mission teams to places where a disaster hit.
Red Bird Mission Trip, April 27 – May 2, 2025
The Mission Committee is sponsoring another work camp trip to Red Bird Mission in Beverly, KY. The team will serve by providing home repair and improvements for low-income community residents, seniors, and disaster victims. Watch the video below for a recap of the April 28-May 3, 2024 trip.

Contact Pastor Carrie Schwab, CarrieSchwab@powellumc.org for more information about Serving In Mission.