Sunday Morning Nursery Care
We welcome all families and provide care for their children during all Sunday worship services in our nursery. Jesus loves the little children and we do too! The children are engaged in fun activities allowing parents and families to have the sense of security they need to participate in church ministries. The nursery is located in room 117N in the Education Wing. As soon as your child outgrows the nursery, we have Sunday School to engage them on Sunday mornings. From birth through high school and beyond, we have a place for your child in our church!
Infants, toddlers and children are always welcome in all worship services. A Quiet Room is also available in the back of the Sanctuary It is our goal to offer a safe, loving environment for children. Please read through our guidelines below for more information. If you have questions please contact Megan Ricci, Nursery Ministries Coordinator, at
Tips for Nursery Check In
Sunday mornings can be very busy when trying to drop off young children before worship. Here are some tips to help your check in go smoothly:
- Before coming to church on Sundays, please label everything in your diaper bag and the bag itself. We want to give each child the correct bottle or cup and return those to the right family.
- When you enter the nursery:
- Please place your child’s items into a cubical and have your child come into the nursery to play.
- Parents, we have an electronic check-in system.
- The Nursery Staff Workers will be checking your child in electronically.
If your child is NOT in our system, please REGISTER your child online by clicking on the link below (this is not to register for weekly Sunday School, this is to receive communication from Ms. Rebecca and our attendance system).
We are asking parents to not come behind our new counters. We understand your child wants you to come into the nursery, however, we request you remain in the drop off area. This helps to keep our nursery clean and is easier as they deal with parent and child separation. If your child is upset, the nursery staff WILL call you with the cell number provided.
If you have any questions or concerns about our new check-in station and process, please contact or
Meet Our Nursery Ministries Coordinator

Megan Ricci is our Nursery Ministries Coordinator.
If you have questions about the nursery please email her at