Ways to Serve and Donate:

People In Need Food Pantry is currently in need of some specific items. There is another month until school starts, and the need is great. Bring the items below to the mission cabinet by the mission closet at the church or donate online, indicating “Food for PIN.”

PIN items:
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Soups and stews
  • Canned tuna and chicken
  • Pasta
  • Pancake mix
Thank you for sharing God’s love with those in need. Please place item(s) in the Mission Cabinet between the Main Hall and the Narthex. Thank you for sharing God’s love with those in need.
A convenient way to help stock the shelves at PIN without going to the store is visitingtheir Amazon Wish List. They update the wish list to feature their most needed items. Click HERE to learn more.
To be a part of serving, contact carrieschwab@powellumc.org.
For information about People In Need, visit http://www.delawarepeopleinneed.org/
People In Need, Inc, of Delaware County Ohio (PIN) is a private,
not-for-profit 501 (C) (3) social agency dedicated to providing emergency assistance to Delaware County residents.