Mission bins are located in the Main Hall by the Mission Closet or by the kitchen door entrance. Bring your items and drop them off in the bins.
We accept only the following items:
- Personal care items for adults, children and infants.
- Foods. Each month a particular item is focused. February is canned beef stew.
All In Community (AIC) is West Ohio’s modern day, Biblical response to the impact of mass incarceration across our West Ohio mission field. Today as over 20,000 inmates are released each year, our local communities are responding to this large influx of returning citizens through a variety of systemic resources. The participation of West Ohio’s churches in this effort is critical in helping prisoners reenter society. Unlike service providers, our churches can provide incarnational relationships for inmates in prison and safety nets of support as they return to our communities.
Educate, advocate, motivate! The goal of the Peace and Justice team is to educate themselves and others concerning topics related to health, economics, religion, international relations, and ecology. They advocate thoughtful actions to promote the well-being of all people and the planet. Meetings are held the last Sunday of each month in the church conference office. Support Fair Trade and Small Farmers by purchasing coffee, tea, chocolate, olive oil and other Fair Trade items as well as HUT Outreach jewelry made by Haitian women in the Main Hall each second Sunday of the month. For more information, contact Kay Sutton.
The Panera Project helps feed hungry people each Friday and Saturday. Families and individuals collect bread from the Sawmill Panera at 9 p.m. on Friday and wrap the bread to be delivered to the Common Ground Free Store in Delaware at 8:45 Saturday morning. If you would like to serve register below.
Contact with questions.
Delaware and Union Counties Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with all of God’s people to strengthen communities by building, renovating and repairing homes, and by advocating the value of, and need for, affordable and sustainable housing. Powell UMC has been in partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Delaware and Union Counties for several years now. There are three main events that we do here to support Habitat for Humanity: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Walls Build, and Apostle Build.
We had a successful Walls Build this year with over 130 people participating and raising around $7,000 for Habitat for Humanity with out Silent Auction.
- Welcoming Ministries most frequently happen on Sunday morning–greeting and assisting those who come and preparing and serving coffee and light refreshments. Schedules are developed. Training and specific weekly information is provided in the areas of ushering, greeting, hosting at the Welcome Center and serving in hospitality. Contact to serve.
- Caring Ministries include providing food for families in the midst of illness or grief, rides to worship, various appointments or visits to hospitalized family members or intentional one on one care through Stephen Ministries. To provide food or rides, contact For training in Stephen Ministry,
- Support the Office Staff by copying, organizing, collating or entering data. Support can be weekly or “on call”. Contact
Each Sunday morning there are multiple opportunities to serve the worshiping congregation from 7:45am – 12:15pm. Worship services are at 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00.
Greeters welcome people to the building and guide them to the right location.
Ushers hand out the order of worship and tri-fold, guide people to seats and assist with particular needs such as hearing devices and large-print copies.
Welcome Center hosts answer questions and assist people with information about the church.
Hospitality folks make coffee and set out snacks between services.
Liturgists assist in worship at 8:15 and 9:30 with leading prayers and congregational responses.
Acolytes light the altar candles at 8:15 and 9:30. They are children ages 8 and up. Click here to register.
Communion Servers offer the bread and the cup to worshipers during Holy Communion. To serve in areas of hospitality, contact