Are you going through a difficult time – emotionally, spiritually, or relationally? Are you lonely, experiencing a crisis, or simply stressed by everyday life? You do not have to suffer alone. Stephen Ministry is a care ministry in our congregation and community in which trained and supervised lay persons, called Stephen Ministers, provide one-to-one Christian care to an individual facing a life challenge. The caring relationship can last a year or more with the Stephen Minister meeting with their care receiver on a consistent basis, usually once a week. People who receive care from a Stephen Ministry…
- Receive quality Christian care in a confidential setting
- Work through their pain and grief with the help of a Christian friend
- Learn that Stephen Ministers provide the care, God provides the cure
- Come to value ministry from another lay person as well as with the pastor
If you are in need of care, contact us at to get in touch with the Stephen Ministry Referrals Coordinator. The Referrals Coordinator will meet with you to explain how Stephen Ministers provide care and to learn more about your needs. All information shared with the Referrals Coordinator will be held in strict confidence.
Read the testimonials of those who had a Stephen Minister provided by our congregation:
- “My Stephen Minister was a pure joy who quickly became my close friend. She called me always asking me how I was doing and what kind of support I needed. She was always there for me. I am very thankful for her support and care that she is provided for me.”
- “It is hard to put words what it means to have a Stephen Minister. There is something very special about knowing that each week you are going to meet this very nice person who will sit with you and listen to your cares and concerns, and have a prayer with you. It really uplifts you. It really helps you get through the week. And it is hard to explain. But as a woman, it is comforting that another woman can hold your hand and pray with you. It means so much to me.”
- “When I was going through a really hard time, my Stephen Minister was there for me. I had experienced a second miscarriage and my heart was broken. She held my hand and my heart through the healing process. She was the hands and feet of Christ to me. I am forever grateful to her and her Christian love for me.”
- “Since arriving in Ohio almost five years ago, I have been counseled by two Stephen Ministers and both of them were excellent. My latest Stephen Minister is very caring and thoughtful of my idiosyncratic behavior. My Stephen Minister is always there for me no matter what, listens attentively, supports and encourages me in distressing or whatever circumstances I am going through at the time. My Stephen Minister gives me hope and makes sure I know I’m not alone. I really look forward to our sessions knowing I have someone who understands me! And I can call or email in between sessions which is a plus!”
- “It was surprising how the process of verbalizing my issues with my Stephen Minister, instead of just having them swirl around in my head, helped me realize that many of my challenges were not as daunting as they first appeared.”
- “My Stephen Minister brought me from the darkest pit to the brightest of light. She is an example of Christ’s loving kindness in this world. I felt God’s grace and mercy through my time with my Stephen Minister and will be forever grateful.”
- “Stephen Ministry is having a prayer angel walk beside you during your challenge. It is having a helper to help give God your prayers and your burdens.”
Watch a video of those who received a Stephen Minister
Contact Pastor Carrie, for more information about Stephen Ministry.
Click HERE for information about Caring Ministries.