Sunday School Information

If your child is not registered with Powell UMC’s Children’s Ministries, please register them through the following link (this is not to register them for weekly Sunday School, this is to receive communications from Ms. Rebecca).
Sunday School 9:30am Check-In/Check Out Table:
– Children will be checked in at the “Check-In Station” and then will go to his/her classroom. **Parents, please do not drop off or pick up children at the classroom.**
– The Best place to PARK on Sunday morning is in the back by the Playground.
– Please come in the DOORS by the playground… this entrance leads right to the “Check-In” Station.
– The Nursery checks in and out in the Nursery.
Preschool Classroom: Room 111
Kg/1st Grade Classroom: Room 110
2nd/3rd Grade Classroom: Room 109
4th/5th Grade Classroom: Room 108
Large Group Space: Room 101/102

You will check-in & check-out at the same area! This makes things so much easier for the children and the leaders!
All the children will close and pray in our large group space (101/102) together. Adults will wait in the hallway by the “Check-In” station. I, or another adult, will see each parent and then release your child(ren) to you. The children will all be in one space and not lined up in the hallway. As a reminder, older siblings are not allowed to pick up younger siblings. We will only release children to adults!

Sunday School is important!

This is where the children come together to hear, read, and learn the stories in the Bible. Each week your child responds to the Bible story in his/her journal. The Bible is an amazing book filled with stories, and lessons that apply to our lives today. God is speaking to us through this book.


January Lessons and Music

Classroom Structure:
Preschool Classroom: Room 111 
Kg/1st Grade Classroom: Room 110
2nd/3rd Grade Classroom: Room 109
4th/5th Grade Classroom: Room 108
Large Group Space: Room 101/102
In Sunday School your child will:
-Be introduced to the Month’s Focus & Bible Verse
-Be reminded of last week’s story (this provides consistency & background)
-Listen to & watch Contemporary Christian Music Videos
– Hear the Bible Story from the Bible,
(2nd – 5th Graders are encouraged to bring their own Bibles to class, to learn how to find, read, follow along and to use their own Bible)
– Watch the Bible story on a Video
– Hear a Message about the story from Ms. Rebecca
– Each child will journal about the Bible story in his/her own journal
The journal stays in the classroom! They answer the question…
1-What part of this story stuck out to YOU the most and why?
It is so important that children are given the opportunity to respond to the story. This allows them to connect with the Bible in a personal way!
– Prayer
Powell UMC bases the Sunday school lessons on “DIG IN” by Group Publishing. This year we will be opening the Bible and DIGGING INTO The Life of Jesus! We will lead the kiddos in Jesus’ footsteps from birth to resurrection to ascension. Kids do not just learn about the historical Jesus; they get to know him personally. Through the Life of Jesus all will discover Jesus is a real person – a real friend – who makes a difference in our lives today! The weekly message around the verses and focus will be written and given by Ms. Rebecca every week!
Sunday School is packed full…these children are listening, hearing, watching and responding to God and the stories in the Bible!
If you have any questions of concerns – please let Rebecca know.
Children’s Ministry Registration
Click HERE to register your child.
Please contact Rebecca with any questions.
Children in Worship
Children are always welcome to worship with their families every Sunday. In addition, there are periodic Family Worship Sundays where children are invited to go to worship instead of Sunday School. To accommodate families with differing needs, We offer the following options for children in worship:
A Quiet Room for families with children is also available at the rear of the sanctuary.
The Nursery is available for children birth to age 5 (not in Kindergarten). Available at all worship services (9:30 and 11;00am)
Sunday School Leaders…Come and Serve
**We have amazing and consistent Sunday School leaders, However, there is always room for more help.
Are you interested in leading our children in a relationship with Christ?
The summer is a wonderful opportunity to shadow leaders and meet the children. If you are interested in shadowing leaders this summer…please contact Ms. Rebecca!
We are always looking for wonderful substitutes leaders and leaders to “take turns” leading.