Vacation Bible School 2022

This summer we will go off-road for a Monumental adventure through the colorful canyons & sunbaked trails of the southwest. By exploring God’s awesomeness, kids form a rock-solid faith for the road ahead. This summer we will be Celebrating God’s Greatness!
Take a 5 day journey with Powell UMC Vacation Bible School to allow your child’s world to be transformed! We will explore God’s Word, grow in friendships with each other and with Christ! The Bible stories come to life through teaching, exploring and understanding as to how God is talking to us through scripture today in a fun, relevant and exciting way!
Meet the Bible Buddies, meet children going through challenges in their life in KidVid, discover in Imagination Station, praise in music, play in recreation, meet friends and meet Jesus at VBS!
This is a magical week where children engage, learn and build their faith! Sign your child up today… sign yourself or a youth up to volunteer and allow yourself or youth to be transformed too!
Together… we will be Celebrating God’s Greatness

EVENING SESSION (Dinner included)
Sunday, June 5th- Thursday, 9th
5:30-5:55pm: Dinner in Fellowship hall
6:00-8:00pm: VBS Program begins & closes in the Sanctuary
Children: 4 Years Old (FULLY toilet trained) – 6th Grade
Children 3 Years Old and fully toilet trained…a parent MUST volunteer all week
(REGISTER Children in the Grade going INTO Fall 2022)
* Each child will receive a Rocky Railway T-shirt, Bible Buddies & a Daily item from Imagination Station*
Daily Fun Themes (for children, Adults & Youth):
Sunday- Wear your “Crew Color” Day
Dinner: Jet’s Pizza
Monday– Wear your “Favorite Sports Team” Day
Dinner: Pasta and Meatballs
Tuesday– Wear your “PJ’s” Day
Dinner: Sub Sandwiches
Wednesday– Wear “Wacky Wednesday” – Dress Wacky
Dinner: Hot dogs and Mac N’ Cheese
Thursday– Super Hero Day
Dinner: Cane’s Chicken
Monday, June 6th – Friday, 10th
Please do not drop off before 8:45am
Drop off in Home Room locations
Children may not be picked up during the closing in the Sanctuary
Children: 4 Years Old (FULLY toilet trained) – 6th Grade
Children 3 Years Old and fully toilet trained…a parent MUST volunteer all week
(REGISTER Children in the Grade going into Fall 2022)
*Each child will receive a Rocky Railway T-shirt, Bible Buddies & a Daily item from Imagination Station*
Daily Fun Themes (for Children, Adults & Youth):
Monday– Wear your “Crew Color” Day
Tuesday– Wear your “PJ’s” Day
Wednesday-“Wacky Wednesday”-Dress Wacky Day
Thursday– Super Hero Day
Friday– Wear your “Favorite Sports Team” Day

$30.00 per child (if parent is NOT volunteering all week)
$15.00 per child (if parent IS volunteering all week)
If payment is a concern, please contact Ms. Rebecca, we have scholarship funds available.

*We accept cash and check. Please make checks out to Powell UMC (Memo line: VBS CD)

VBS Gift Card Donations Requested:
We are accepting gift cards in any amount to help feed our kiddos snack during the day and dinner in the evening.
We are requesting gift cards from Meijer, Cane’s Chicken & Jet’s Pizza
$10.00, $25.00, $50.00, $100.00, or any other amount is appreciated!
We are requesting gift cards from Meijer, Cane’s Chicken & Jet’s Pizza
$10.00, $25.00, $50.00, $100.00, or any other amount is appreciated!
If you would like to DONATE money to help offset the cost of VBS for the church and families, please click HERE to donate today.

Adults and Youth (7th-12th Grade) are able to volunteer to help with this awesome week! This is a wonderful way to give back to the community and grow closer in YOUR relationship with Christ too!
We NEED YOU to make this awesome week happen for the children…volunteer today!
(For VOLUNTEERS ONLY, we offer FREE childcare by our Paid Nursery Staff for children to young to participate in VBS).

Giving of Money Mission:
This summer Operation Kid-to-Kid is mobilizing millions of children to help countless students and teachers on Native American Reservations! Due to Word Vision’s key partnerships, $1 can supplement school supplies for one child for a whole year on the reservation!
We will turn donation dollars into cool school tools! A shiny new notebook, colorful pens, a rainbow box of crayons. There’s something fresh and exciting about back-to-school lists. They’re more than supplies; they represent all the potential and possibility of a new year. But for some kids in North America, basic supplies are hard to come by. That’s where WE, VBS kids, come in!

Giving of Tangible Mission Items:
We will also be collecting actual school supplies! Those items will be given to different Delaware County & Franklin County schools and mission sites. We will be collecting; backpacks, pencils, pens, crayons, folders, notebooks and any other back-to-school items you would like to donate!
Please make checks out to PUMC and on the Memo line note: VBS Missions
Any questions, contact Rebecca Brownlee,