Each Sunday morning there are multiple opportunities to serve the worshiping congregation from 7:45am – 12:15pm. Worship services are at 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00.

Greeters welcome people to the building and guide them to the right location.

Ushers hand out the order of worship and tri-fold, guide people to seats and assist with particular needs such as hearing devices and large-print copies.
Welcome Center Hosts answer questions and assist people with information about the church.
Hospitality folks make coffee and set out snacks between services.
Liturgists assist in worship at 8:15 and 9:30 with leading prayers and congregational responses.
Acolytes light the altar candles at 8:15 and 9:30. They are children ages 8 and up.
Communion Servers offer the bread and the cup to worshipers during Holy Communion.
To serve in areas of hospitality, contact kimlarue@powellumc.org.